Welcome to my
P o r t f o l i o

About me

Hey, my name is Patrik Bálint Faragó, i'm studying Computer Science Engineering BSc at University of Debrecen

I am a beginner developer who is interested in every aspect of development and likes to learn new technologies and improve in the ones I have learned so far.

I am looking for an internship or a junior frontend developer position to gain experience and improve my skills.


HTML5 75%

CSS3 70%

JavaScript 55%

React 55%

Java 75%

Python 60%

My Projects

Rock Paper Scissors game

This is a basic game i made with HTML/CSS and JavaScript in Hungarian language for a uni project.

Click me to play

Shopping List

This is a responsive web application made with HTML/CSS and JavaScript in Hungarian language for personal use, it is connected to a Firebase database.

ToDo List

This is a responsive web application made with React.js for personal use, it is connected to a Firebase database

Contact me

If you have any questions or you want to work with me, feel free to contact me!